
Losing weight is not just about what you put on your fork; it is a lifestyle change!

How to Win After Weight Loss Failures gives you insight on how to lose weight, keep it off, and improve your life in general. Author Maureen Kuchta has had her share of struggles with shedding weight and finding a way to keep it off for good. She discovered that, in order to keep weight off, an entire lifestyle change is necessary. Her book gives you tips on wellness and finding true happiness so you can live a fulfilling life and feel at peace with yourself.

Losing weight involves every aspect of your life, and Maureen makes sure to include ways to get you out of your comfort zone, and really start living. She also provides information on food in general, and what you should look out for when reading labels. Do you want to learn to love yourself again, and get back on track in your life? How to Win After Weight Loss Failures is the perfect place to start!

“I have been blessed to have known Maureen for 30 years, as my dear neighbor and friend, and I have seen her frustration with dieting. The ups and downs as well as the mental anguish it creates. Choosing to have a mentor to coach and encourage her, as well as a safe & loving accountability group, has made all the difference. This caring support created an environment for her to share her heart and her truths from her past challenges and get to the root of her unhealthy cycle and learn new, positive, healthy habits. This approach has allowed her to flourish, gain confidence, energy and vision for her life to truly expand and her wholeness to return. It was Inspiring to Witness! Through this health journey, her passion & gifts have revealed themselves too. She now deserves to coach, share her story, bless those who are fighting the same battle that she fought, and help the to find their new path to healthy living. Maureen can be their biggest cheerleader! - Darcy Ruiz

Maureen have overcome many peaks, valleys and rough terrain in her journey to healthy living. Her enthusiasm and writings may be the guide you need to accomplish your healthy journey.”

- ML

I cannot begin to put into words what friendship has meant to me, especially since my husband passed away almost 2 years ago, after that and during the pandemic, Maureen asked me to go hiking, which has always been a passion of mine. First starting out on a weekly basis — Walking Wednesdays, she called it. During this time Maureen also founded Pathways to Health — weekly zoom meetings on how to stay healthy and sane during a difficult time. Currently, there are 33 members in the group. This past spring Maureen started a hiking/biking group culminating in a 22-mile hike around Lake Geneva. There are 28 members in this group. Through her personal journey to eat healthy and reduce her own weight, Maureen wants to help others obtain their own goals of weight reduction and healthy eating. Maureen has been an inspiration to many, myself included. I cannot say enough about her — she is one very special lady, and I am glad to have her in my life. - Shirley Koop

“Shifting from a “diet” to a “health” mindset has been the key to Maureen’s transformation, and the catalyst for her book! It has been my pleasure as her health coach to watch her digest the key elements of our program and begin to dream of a new life. And now, she’s living it out loud in all aspects of her life! So many of us can identify with her journey and she is here to offer you hope.”

- Pam G

How to Win After Weight Loss Failures

Ten Amazing Ways to Ignite Your Health

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